Los parametros de la ley, la doctrina y los sistemas burocráticos ya implementados en nuestro país hicieron que desarrollaramos como equipo un departamento que junto a la fuerza del equipo legal pudiéramos desarrollar una gestión, mucho mas profesional, orientada al mejor resultado de nuestros clientes, de la mano de la legalidad, asi mismo de una cultura laboral mucho mas perfeccionista, siguiendo los controles de los estándares de Royo Abogados, procuramos crear DASEEIFL por sus siglas conocido como el Departamento de Análisis, Seguimiento Estadístico e Investigación Forense Legal; Este se convierte en una de las secciones mas importantes de la oficina legal ya que se encuentra integrado por un equipo de trabajo investigativo que utiliza la tecnología, los lineamientos de la observación y la especialidad forense con el propósito de ver mas a fondo y técnicamente los aspectos mas relevantes de cada caso desmenuzando asi cada una de sus partes para un mayor manejo por parte del equipo legal, su verdadera función es orientar a disminuir el margen de error en el análisis de los procesos asi como procurar una visualización de la pretensión del cliente procurando asi un resultado exitoso.
El Equipo Investigativo
La Proyección de nuestro equipo va dirigida a organizar no solo los mejores resultados sino cada proyecto en el que nos vemos involucrados procurar lograr sacar provecho del trabajo en equipos y orientar a cada proyección el propósito de nuestros clientes
Biosafety Standards
We at Royo Abogados consider that health and prevention mechanisms have taken a high level in terms of hygiene and safety standards, understanding that health has gained a high percentage of evolution in recent months after being attacked by this virus which in our opinion is more than viral, it is deadly because it has killed many human beings, for this reason we have taken as an important consideration to open this section where important and basic information is documented in relation to the virus, which is referred to as We are moving forward, we are optimistic about our evolution, likewise taking learning at will on prevention mechanisms and thus avoiding the spread of the virus.
What is COVID19
Coronaviruses are an extensive family of viruses that can cause disease in both humans and animals. In humans, various coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections that can range from the common cold to more serious illnesses such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes the coronavirus disease COVID-19.
What is understood by covid19 quarantine
Quarantine means separating a person or group of people who have been exposed to a contagious disease, but have not developed the disease (symptoms), from other people who have not been exposed in order to prevent the possible transmission of that disease.
Quarantine is generally established for the incubation period of the communicable disease, which is during the time that people have contracted the disease after exposure.

In the case of COVID-19, the quarantine period is 14 days from the last date of exposure, since 14 days is the longest incubation period that has been observed in similar coronaviruses. It is considered that the person who was allowed out of quarantine by COVID-19 does not represent a risk of transmitting the virus to others because during the incubation period they did not present symptoms of the disease.
How is Covid19 transmitted or spread
A person can contract COVID-19, by contact with another who is infected with the virus. The disease can spread from person to person through droplets from the nose or mouth that are released when an infected person coughs or exhales. These droplets fall on objects and surfaces around the person, so other people can get COVID-19 if they touch these objects or surfaces and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth. They can also be spread if they breathe in droplets spread by a person with COVID-19 by coughing or exhaling. This is why it is important to stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from someone who is sick.
What are the characteristic symptoms of COVID19
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are: fever, shortness of breath, tiredness, and a dry cough. Some patients may have pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea, or abdominal pain. These symptoms are usually mild and appear gradually. Some people become infected, but do not develop any symptoms and are not unwell.

What recommendations should I follow to prevent the spread of Covid19
Washing your hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based sanitizer kills any viruses that may be on your hands.
Avoid being around people who have flu symptoms. Stay more than two meters away from sick people, since the particles of saliva, mucus or tears where the virus travels, do not travel beyond two meters.
Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.
Why the use of face masks is recommended to avoid the spread of Covid19
Medical masks and N95 respirators continue to be reserved for healthcare personnel and other emergency responders.
The use of cloth face covers is a public health measure that people should take to reduce the spread of COVID-19, in addition to (and not a replacement for) physical distancing measures, frequent hand washing and other measures. daily preventive. The purpose of a fabric face cover is not to protect the wearer, but to prevent the transmission of the virus from the person wearing it to other people.

What should I do if I have visited an area where Covid19 is spreading?
Stay home, if you start to feel unwell, with mild symptoms such as headache, slight fever (37.3 oC or more) and runny or runny nose, call 169 or go to rosa.innovacion.gob.pa to receive information and medical advice. Do not leave home, or receive visits to avoid possible infections.
What are the risk areas of contagion of Covid19
There is currently community transmission in several countries. Depending on the evolution of the situation, the risk areas may vary.
For more information see the following link: https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200301-sitrep-41-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=6768306d_2

How long does Covid 19 survive on the surface?
It is not known for sure how long the virus that causes COVID-19 survives on a surface, but it appears to behave like other coronaviruses. Studies conducted (including preliminary information available on the COVID-19 virus) indicate that coronaviruses can persist on a surface from a few hours to several days. The time may vary depending on the conditions (for example, the type of surface, the temperature or the humidity of the environment).
If you think a surface may be infected, clean it with a common disinfectant to kill the virus and thus protect yourself and others. Wash your hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer or soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose.

Antibiotics are effective against the Covid19 virus
No. Antibiotics are effective against bacteria, but not against viruses.
Since the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus, antibiotics should not be used to prevent or treat the infection.
However, if you become infected with this virus and are hospitalized, you may be given antibiotics to keep you from getting bacterial infections.
How should I wash fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are essential for a healthy diet. Wash them as you would in any circumstance. Before touching them, wash your hands with soap and water. Afterwards, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with drinking water, especially if you eat them raw.