Administrative Law Processes

Administrative Processes
The processes that concern this matter are those that dispute between individuals such as the threat, the violation of the property provided that it does not lead to a greater amount in loss or personal injuries that exceed thirty days of disability, however these types of conditions are those that deal with administrative processes, as well as evictions due to intruders or minor breaches.
In the legal world this matter is like a prior to the direct civil process since it is like a recurring means that avoids continuing with a process that takes more processing, costs and attorney resources, however our office in this matter tries to maintain the least Possible economic wear of the client every time we know that he wants to solve in a timely manner and that means without further complication.

These processes are also known as those of first instance, thus supposing that an event between friends or families occurs in the early morning hours, it is the first authority as in this case the corregidurias or justices of the peace who will handle this instance until they can appeal it to the corresponding .
This type of instance is purely administrative and even when the magistrates hold command and jurisdiction by themselves they carried out actions through resolutions, however now with the update of the Accusatory Penal System many prerogatives have been modified and therefore are no longer handled in such a way. A free condition that we consider has been appropriate to modify because this rule that governs this matter was largely out of date.
The legal reality is that many people have complications either with unfulfilled tenants, with conflictive relatives who always harass and abuse their relatives, people who threaten and pressure individuals and we consider that the administrative process through the municipalities is an alternative way to resolve and resolve those contradictions experienced by civilians.
Living in safety and tranquility is the ambition of every human being who lives in society, however without a legal representative who can give a sustainable and functional guide we would be lost in a world of law by our own hands, for this reason our office recommends take advice in this area to avoid the margin of error when making a procedural decision.
The legal reality is that many people have complications either with unfulfilled tenants, with conflictive relatives who always harass and abuse their relatives, people who threaten and pressure individuals and we consider that the administrative process through the municipalities is an alternative way to resolve and resolve those contradictions experienced by civilians.
Living in safety and tranquility is the ambition of every human being who lives in society, however without a legal representative who can give a sustainable and functional guide we would be lost in a world of law by our own hands, for this reason our office recommends take advice in this area to avoid the margin of error when making a procedural decision.